So much great art out there in the mental maelstroms of dark creativity.
Too much to print them all in the magazine. “Unpublished Submissions” is your gallery. For more evil art propaganda, check out INSIDE artzine
Felix Roca – Figurative painter (Spain)
Website: @felixrocaart
Faith and fear of Death, an action reaction to each other, come together to be opposed, for the same duality,
by Childhood and Game. The Summing of the four concepts can be understood as the day to day struggle of the adult life. Not as a pessimist view, neiter, as a chant to innocence, but a consecutive presentation of individual postcards as allegories in which one of those four concepts is more imperant than the others.
Q: Who are you?
I am a Barcelona Based painter. born in 19991 who is scared of death and paints about it, and what it means or we have been told it is supposed to be an adult, that will be all.
Q: Darkness is not only the absence of light. What more is lurking in the shadows (of mind)?!
Answers, the shadows are those spots on your mind that you have been luring into, your self doubts and where you really find yourself, if you are sure about everything, which is imossible, you are dead and an estatich creature. Is that doubt that will move you forward and keep evolving. Like the Age of Empires Pc game map.
Q: What is the most important taboo in art?
Money, everyone works and paints for it, but it is supposed for us painters, in the art business, to paint and draw because we need to express ourselves, and to have a large mistic reason paint for paying your bills is not what it is expected for us to say.
Q: Why is the beauty in ugliness so fatal?
Those fucking greeks and the renaissanse, god is beauty and the devil is ugly.
Q: What question would you ask the most evil person on this planet?
Would you pose for a portrait? The prison guards will let me in once a week if that’s ok for you.
Q: The world seems to become more and more a violent, unkind place. Greed and egoism seems to be the only impulse of any change. Did mankind still have the chance to build a peaceful, sustainable world for every living and feeling being or would it be better if somebody dispose everything in the sewer of the evolutionary failure?
Self destruction is an inner part of human nature. Technology has put it on a great scale. But at the same time humor and going down the pub is as human as well, and for those as we are, interested in creation and art, let’s have a beer an art talk and paint it until the bomb explodes near us.